Belarus and Russia suspended from the Council of Green Card System Offices

By CCN 2 years ago

The General Assembly of the Council of Bureaux (COB) of the Green Card System decided to indefinitely suspend the rights of members of the Belarusian Bureau and the Russian Bureau as of June 30, 2023. The decision means the suspension of active membership of both National Bureaux in the Council, no possibility to participate in any committees and working groups COB and exclusion from voting, with a simultaneous commitment to current settlement of financial obligations of both National Bureaux to other members of the Green Card System.

This is another sanction imposed by the National Offices of the Green Card System on Belarus and Russia. As of June 1st, 2023, bilateral agreements with Belarus and Russia on the mutual acceptance of Green Cards concluded by all National Bureaux of the European Economic Area (EEA) and the Swiss Bureau, including the Polish Motor Insurers’ Bureau (PBUK), were terminated. Drivers of vehicles registered in Belarus and Russia, entering or staying on the territory of the EEA or Switzerland, are therefore obliged to purchase border insurance in order to fulfill the obligation to insure motor third party liability insurance.

At the same time, as of June 30, 2023, the Green Card certificates issued so far by the Bureaus of Belarus and Russia in relation to the Members of the Council of Bureaux from outside the EEA and Switzerland will expire.

– This is undoubtedly the biggest change in the entire System in the 21st century, and perhaps in its entire 70-year history and the 65-year period of the Polish market belonging to it – says Mariusz Wichtowski, President of the Management Board of the Polish Motor Insurers’ Bureau (PBUK).

To Belarus and Russia by car only with “border insurance”

In order to drive on the roads of countries where the Green Card is not valid, it will be necessary to purchase “border insurance”. A similar obligation will apply to drivers of vehicles with Belarusian and Russian registration plates entering our country. Border insurance is a third party liability (MTPL) policy for motor vehicle owners, valid in the territory of the entry country, concluded for a short period of time – usually 30 days. The common name was created based on the place of purchase of the insurance policy, i.e. the border crossing – explains Maciej Dylewski, CEO of CCN Poland Claims Corporation Network Ltd.

  press release